Richard leaning on scores

Howdy. I'm

Richard Carey Ford.
I'm the "Theatre Evangelist."

Richard leaning on scores

At least that's what friends started calling me years ago.

I help people make theatre.

And transform their life.

You may think you have impossible dreams. People may have even told you that. I don't listen... and I help people just like you bring their show to life... it can be done... come find out...

For me it's all about your show.

Sign up for my daily emails and get my free five-day email course. After that you'll get insider tips, deep dives, and resources to help you bring your show to life.

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What? You say I can do this?!?

You made it this far. You've done what you could.

You simply need the right team. That starts here.

There's a lot of mystery and confusion out there. How do I get my show up? And what do I do next? So many options...

So many thoughts...

"Who are you? Why should I talk to you?"

"Why should I get your emails?"

"How can you know that you can help me when we haven't even met?"

"How can I trust you?"

"Does anyone really know what time it is?"

Read on, Macduff...

Way #1 I Can Help:

If I Had a Magic Wand, There Would Be One Thing I'd Do for Each of My Clients...

I'd give them each $100,000.

Do you feel like the guy in the Bare Naked Ladies song "If I Had a Million Dollars"? I do. All the time.

The most frequent things I hear from writers and early producers?

"I can't keep funding this myself."

"I've already taken on enormous debt."

"I worry about not being able to get it where it needs to be because of the money."

"I can't afford to keep dumping time and money into this."

I get it.

I've left the business a couple different times because of it. (And yet, "just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" like Michael Corleone.)

I've seen it all — and even done some of these myself...

Hiding massive debt from your family.

Fighting with a collaborator you love because you're stuck. Or because she's given up...

Leaving the business to go into something that pays. (Sometimes despite solid success but not much income.)

Spinning your wheels so long you start to doubt the project.

Getting sick of critics and writing off the whole industry.

Abandoning unfinished project after project hoping the next one will be the one.

It's exhausting and demoralizing.

In other words, it sucks.

Two things can make a

difference with this...

1. Get money coming in. Of course, if you're not careful it flows out so fast you wonder if you saw it at all...

2. Get support. This means you have encouragement and a strategy that shows you your progress.

In the very early stages, it's easier. You can see the pages... the songs... stacking up. Print them out and the darn show becomes real!

Then there's a pizza read and submissions to send out.

At some point though all there is are... crickets.

But you still have enough resources to throw some money at it. Maybe a concert... or if you're resourceful a "29-hour Reading."

Side note: could there be a worse name for that? I can see the poor writing team that takes that to heart and does a 29-hour long show presentation. That could be cool... like we're gonna Jerry Lewis Telethon you into investing in this show... Anyway, terrible name!

Getting money coming in is easier said than done.

Some people have success with crowd funding or they have family money. But nobody raises the millions needed for off-Broadway or Broadway with IndieGoGo. Kickstarter? Nope. The only way you could do that would take a massive marketing budget and more work than to do it the old-fashioned way...

Then there's the support. This is tough. You need support from people that understand what you need. Which your family and friends will not.

And that understand how to keep going and succeed.

That rules out most other writers.

That's where
I come in.

I help committed theatre people get their dream show produced. With clear strategies, compassionate accountability, and emotional support. Even if you're already frustrated from trying everything. Even if you're broke and convinced it's impossible. And ready to give up.

Even if you've already given up.

I've spent over 30 years in the entertainment business. I've raised money for hole-in-the-wall theaters with 40 seats and for feature films. I've had budgets from $250 for the whole show to "way the heck off-Broadway" to $3 million films with 100 employees and a Duke of Hazzard...

I've worked with original shows independently and at theaters including Playwrights Horizons, The Colony Theatre, and The Bloomington Playwrights Project.

And I've spent 15 years coaching for the global leader in personal growth. Training their trainers in the best performance and transformation program in the world.

That's only important as it gives me a unique perspective to help you with your show.

If you're sick of the downward spiral of going it alone, this daily email will give you hope and direction. And it'll give you real world strategies that you can use right away! And that get results! Sign up for this free daily email newsletter. It'll only take you 5 minutes to read each day.

It's not a magic wand, but it's the next best thing.

Richard Ford

P.S. If you want urgent help, reply to that first email you get with the word "help" or click this link. I'll reply with how to get one-on-one coaching with me.

If I Had a Magic Wand, There Would Be One Thing I'd Do for Each of My Clients...

I'd give them each $100,000.

Do you feel like the guy in the Bare Naked Ladies song "If I Had a Million Dollars"? I do. All the time.

The most frequent things I hear from writers and early producers?

"I can't keep funding this myself."

"I've already taken on enormous debt."

"I worry about not being able to get it where it needs to be because of the money."

"I can't afford to keep dumping time and money into this."

I get it.

I've left the business a couple different times because of it. (And yet, "just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" like Michael Corleone.)

I've seen it all — and even done some of these myself...

Hiding massive debt from your family.

Fighting with a collaborator you love because you're stuck. Or because she's given up...

Leaving the business to go into something that pays. (Sometimes despite solid success but not much income.)

Spinning your wheels so long you start to doubt the project.

Getting sick of critics and writing off the whole industry.

Abandoning unfinished project after project hoping the next one will be the one.

It's exhausting and demoralizing.

In other words, it sucks.

Two things can make a

difference with this...

1. Get money coming in. Of course, if you're not careful it flows out so fast you wonder if you saw it at all...

2. Get support. This means you have encouragement and a strategy that shows you your progress.

In the very early stages, it's easier. You can see the pages... the songs... stacking up. Print them out and the darn show becomes real!

Then there's a pizza read and submissions to send out.

At some point though all there is are... crickets.

But you still have enough resources to throw some money at it. Maybe a concert... or if you're resourceful a "29-hour Reading."

Side note: could there be a worse name for that? I can see the poor writing team that takes that to heart and does a 29-hour long show presentation. That could be cool... like we're gonna Jerry Lewis Telethon you into investing in this show... Anyway, terrible name!

Getting money coming in is easier said than done.

Some people have success with crowd funding or they have family money. But nobody raises the millions needed for off-Broadway or Broadway with IndieGoGo. Kickstarter? Nope. The only way you could do that would take a massive marketing budget and more work than to do it the old-fashioned way...

Then there's the support. This is tough. You need support from people that understand what you need. Which your family and friends will not.

And that understand how to keep going and succeed.

That rules out most other writers.

That's where
I come in.

I help committed theatre people get their dream show produced. With clear strategies, compassionate accountability, and emotional support. Even if you're already frustrated from trying everything. Even if you're broke and convinced it's impossible. And ready to give up.

Even if you've already given up.

I've spent over 30 years in the entertainment business. I've raised money for hole-in-the-wall theaters with 40 seats and for feature films. I've had budgets from $250 for the whole show to "way the heck off-Broadway" to $3 million films with 100 employees and a Duke of Hazzard...

I've worked with original shows independently and at theaters including Playwrights Horizons, The Colony Theatre, and The Bloomington Playwrights Project.

And I've spent 15 years coaching for the global leader in personal growth. Training their trainers in the best performance and transformation program in the world.

That's only important as it gives me a unique perspective to help you with your show.

If you're sick of the downward spiral of going it alone, this daily email will give you hope and direction. And it'll give you real world strategies that you can use right away! And that get results! Sign up for this free daily email newsletter. The free five-day email course will change how you view your project.

After that, it'll only take you 5 minutes to read each day.

It's not a magic wand, but it's the next best thing.

Richard Ford

P.S. If you want urgent help, reply to that first email you get with the word "help" or click this link. I'll reply with how to get one-on-one coaching with me.